This is the battle strategy guide for the high-difficulty stage “Challenge 04” in the “3rd Anniversary Challenges” event of NU:Carnival.
Stage Strategy
Party Composition
Taunt | Not needed |
Defense Removal | Not needed |
Recommended CD | No specific requirement (CD6 is acceptable) |
Since the gimmick activation timing depends on the enemy’s HP, CD6 characters can also be used.
Strategy Points
AUTO Strategy | – |
Ultimate Skill Conservation | Save at least one use until the “Olivine HP below 50% gimmick” is triggered |
Clear the stage by reducing Olivine’s HP to 1.
Kuya cannot take any damage.
Clear the stage by reducing Olivine’s HP to 1.
You cannot deal damage to Kuya.
Battle Strategy
Battle Flow
- Ultimate Skill:
Save one ultimate skill for the “Olivine HP below 50% gimmick” (even if no attack is triggered).
Save “the most powerful ultimate skill” for the “Olivine HP below 25% gimmick.”
- STEP1Moment of Choice: At the very end use 1 basic attack (× Defense is strictly prohibited)
The gimmick starts when “Olivine’s HP drops below 75%.”
Kuya’s line, “First question. Will you drink ‘Yumesui’?” is the activation signal.- As long as the last acting character performs a “basic attack,” it’s fine (other characters can use either basic or ultimate skills).
- Defense is strictly prohibited (if even one character defends, “choice” becomes unavailable, leading to forced defeat).
- STEP25n+8T: Basic Attack or Ultimate Skill (× Defense is strictly prohibited)
[8T, 13T, 18T, 23T, 28T, 33T, 38T, 43T, 48T…]
Kuya’s ultimate skill “Encroaching Riddles”- Just in case, always keep “one ultimate skill” in reserve (it’s fine to save an ultimate skill without an attack judgment).
- Absolutely no defending (if Kuya successfully removes defense, he gains “40% ATK UP for 2 turns”).
- STEP3Sincere Devotion: At the very end use “one ultimate skill” (× No Defending Allowed)
Gimmick triggers when “Olivine’s HP falls below 50%”.
Kuya’s line, “Here’s the second question. To the people before you…” signals activation.- It’s fine to use an ultimate skill without an attack judgment (such as a healer’s ultimate skill).
- Mechanically, this works the same way as “Moment of Choice”.
- STEP4Bewitching Words: Against Kuya, four members use basic attacks → one member uses an ultimate skill
Gimmick triggers when “Olivine’s HP falls below 25%”.
Kuya’s line, “Here’s the third question. In this small town, full of temptation and freedom…” signals activation.- Use the ultimate skill that deals the highest damage at the very end.