[NUCarnival] 3rd Anniversary Challenges “Challenge08” Battle Guide

NU:Carnival “3rd Anniversary Challenges” event high-difficulty stage “Challenge 08” battle guide page.

Stage Strategy

Party Formation

TauntNot needed
Defense RemovalNot needed
Recommended CDNone in particular (CD6 is fine)
Recommended: High HP Characters

There will be several moments where you must endure an AoE attack that applies “Defense Ignore.”
Thus, having high HP characters or those with skills that “grant shields to allies” might be helpful.

Strategy Points

AUTO Strategy
Ultimate Skill PreservationNo need to preserve
The AoE attack on Turn 1 is ‘Defense Ignored’

The full-party attack received on Turn 1 deals the same amount of damage regardless of defense.
Therefore, if your HP is insufficient, it is recommended to include units with skills that ‘grant shields to allies’ or ‘reduce the enemy’s attack power’.

Battle Guide

Battle Flow

Outside of Gimmicks
  • No need to save ultimate skills. Use them as soon as they are ready.
  • STEP1
    6n+4T: All Defend (Including Healers)

    [4T, 10T, 16T, 22T, 28T, 34T, 40T, 46T…]

    Depending on HP, it may be possible to survive without defending.

  • STEP2
    6n+5T: × No Defense Allowed

    [5T, 11T, 17T, 23T, 29T, 35T, 41T, 47T…]

    • If defended: The character that defended will receive Paralysis for 2 turns.
  • STEP3
    6n+6T: All Must Defend (Including Healers)

    [6T, 12T, 18T, 24T, 30T, 36T, 42T, 48T…]

    Depending on HP levels, it may be possible to survive without defending.

  • STEP4
    6n+7T: × No Defense Allowed

    [7T, 13T, 19T, 25T, 31T, 37T, 43T…]

    • If defended: The character that defended will receive Paralysis for 2 turns.


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