[NUCarnival] Feast Of Roses “Conferring the Crown-03” Battle Guide

[NUCarnival] Feast Of Roses "Conferring the Crown-03" Battle Guide High Difficulty Stages

This is the battle strategy guide for the high-difficulty stage “Conferring the Crown 03” in the “Feast Of Roses” event of NU:Carnival.

Stage Strategy

Party Composition

TauntNot needed
Defense RemovalNot needed
Recommended CDNone
A non-attacking high-HP character in the third slot is recommended

Since this stage results in a forced defeat and counter damage if the third slot character dies, it is best to place a high-HP character who cannot deal damage to the enemy, such as a healer or supporter.

Recommendation: High-damage ultimate skill

This stage has a shield-breaking gimmick where dealing high damage in a single ultimate skill is beneficial.
A character with a high-damage ultimate skill and a CD of 6 may be particularly helpful.

Strategy Points

AUTO Strategy
Ultimate Skill Preservation
Forced defeat if the third character dies
Each turn: The entire party’s HP recovery amount decreases (up to 25 stacks)
Each attack: The attacking character receives a counterattack
In the late phase, consider inserting defense actions

After the 25th turn, HP recovery becomes significantly lower, so it’s recommended to use defense actions appropriately to maintain HP.

The 6n+8T Shield Breaking Mechanic: “The more ultimate skills you use, the less damage you deal.”

In this mechanic, the enemy gains an effect where “when hit by an ultimate skill, damage taken is reduced by 20% (1T).”
Therefore, if you keep using ultimate skills, the damage you deal will progressively decrease.

Use only basic attacks and a single ultimate skill to break the shield and interrupt the enemy’s charge.

※ Ultimate skills that do not have an attack judgment (such as healer ultimate skills) will not trigger the “20% damage reduction” effect.

Battle Strategy

Battle Flow

Outside of Mechanics
  • Attack order: Attack → Heal
    Since you will take counterattack damage, it is recommended to heal at the end.
  • STEP1
    6n+5T:All Defense

    [5T, 11T, 17T, 23T, 29T, 35T, 41T, 47T…]

    • As consecutive attacks will be directed at position 3, make sure to defend position 3 as well
  • STEP2
    6n+6T:3rd memberDefense (Only if an attack judgment is made)

    [6T, 12T, 18T, 24T, 30T, 36T, 42T, 48T…]

    • If position 3 is a character with an attack judgment, you should defend to secure HP (as attacking will cause counterattack damage)
    • Position 3 will receive a quite painful single-target attack (defending will have no effect since the defense is nullified)
    • It is also a viable option to take the hit with taunt
  • STEP3
    6n+8T:Attack-less ultimate → basic attack → the highest damage output from one ultimate skill

    [8T, 14T, 20T, 26T, 32T, 38T, 44T, 50T]

    • “Attack-less ultimate” is not counted as it doesn’t affect damage, since “when receiving an ultimate attack, the enemy’s damage received is reduced by 20%”. It’s fine.
  • TIPS
    ↑If you can’t break the shield here (6n+8T)…

    It is recommended to apply buffs one turn earlier (6n+7T).
    6n+7T [7T, 13T, 19T, 25T, 31T, 37T, 43T…]

    Example: SR Olivine’s ultimate grants “Attack Up for all allies (2T)”.
    So, use SR Olivine’s ultimate on the 7th turn → then use SR Olivine’s basic attack on the 8th turn to maximize damage more than if you just used SR Olivine’s ultimate on the 8th turn.


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