[NUCarnival] Razor’s Edge “Clear Pursuit-03” Battle Guide

[NUCarnival] Razor's Edge "Clear Pursuit-03" Battle Guide High Difficulty Stages

This is the battle strategy guide for the high-difficulty stage “Clear Pursuit 03” in the NU Carnival “Razor’s Edge” event.

Stage Strategy

Party Formation

TauntNot needed
Defense removalNot needed
Recommended CD
Recommended: Place the healer in the third position
Guardians with Taunt are also recommended

If there is a Taunt character, you can use your ultimate skill during the no-ultimate-skill gimmick (7n+5T).
Therefore, if you want to use the healer’s ultimate skill at this time, it is also recommended to include a Taunt character in your formation.

Recommended Party Formation Example: Cosmic Blade PT
  1. Any character
  2. Any character
  3. Any character
  4. Guardian
  5. Cosmic Blade

If you are relying on the recovery from Cosmic Blade’s ultimate skill, it is recommended to include a Taunt Guardian in your formation (to avoid the no-ultimate-skill gimmick).

Strategy Points

AUTO Strategy
Save Ultimate Skills
If even one character dies, forced defeat
Each attack decreases your attack power by 6% (up to 50 stacks)

Attacks without damage calculation are also counted. (e.g., a healer’s basic attack)

Battle Strategy

Battle Flow

  • Ultimate skill:
  • No need to preserve the 3rd character’s ultimate skill.
  • Other characters’ ultimate skills should be preserved for 7n+7T.
  • STEP1
    7n+4T: Taunt (only if you want to use ultimate skill next turn)

    [4T, 11T, 18T, 25T, 32T, 39T, 46T…]

    • If you use taunt, you can use your ultimate skill next turn (for characters other than the one who used taunt)
    • Note: If no taunt character is present, using a healer’s ultimate skill at this point may help sustain HP in the next turn.
  • STEP2
    7n+5T: All characters basic attack (no ultimate skill)

    [5T, 12T, 19T, 26T, 33T, 40T, 47T…]

    • If any character uses defense, they will not receive the “20% healing increase” buff.
    • If an ultimate skill is used: two allies will die.
  • STEP3
    7n+7T: 3rd character defense, others ultimate skill (including healer)

    [7T, 14T, 21T, 28T, 35T, 42T, 49T…]

    • If you can use a healer’s ultimate skill on the next turn, it will help.
    • If you can’t use an ultimate skill: the character who didn’t use their ultimate will take massive damage and die.
    • If the 3rd character attacks: the 3rd character will die.
  • STEP4
    Turns when you can use the ultimate skill and still meet the gimmick timing

    If it’s the following turns or earlier, using the ultimate skill will allow the cooldown to be ready by 7n+7T.

    CD3: 4T, 11T, 18T, 25T, 32T, 39T, 46T…
    CD4: Preserve.


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